Interested in knowing when is the right time to change your running shoes? Interested in knowing how running shoe degradation affects your performance?
Come to Nottingham Trent University (Clifton Campus) and test a series of shoes with different levels of degradation. We are looking for male runners, shoe size UK9 (EU44).
We will reward you with a £40 amazon voucher as a thank you.
if interested, please contact Progressive Sports at
What we need…
We are conducting a study aimed at better understanding the interaction between shoe technologies / shoe degradation and running performance. We require male runners, aged between 18 and 45, of UK 9 shoe size (EU44).
As a ‘thank you’/ incentive, you will receive a £40 Amazon voucher at completion.
What is involved…?
The study involves two sessions. The first session lasts up to one hour and the second session lasts up to 3 hours. Both sessions take place at the Clifton campus of Nottingham Trent University.
The first session consists of determining your submaximal running speed, through a running ramp protocol. This consists of running on a treadmill with the initial speed set at 9 km/h. Every three minutes, the speed will be increased by 1 km/h until you reach your submaximal running speed. At the end of each ramp, a small blood sample will be taken from your fingertips (finger prick blood test) to measure your blood lactate concentration. Once the lactate threshold is reached, the test ends.
The second session consists of testing 18 different pairs of running shoes. Each pair of shoes will be tested during a 3 minute treadmill run at your submaximal speed. You will have reflective markers placed on your body to allow us to analyse your running kinematics.
When / where?
We are aiming to start the data collection in May 2022. The study will take place at Nottingham Trent University (Clifton Campus) in the Sport Science School.
For more information, please contact Progressive Sports at